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Morning Smoothie: How to Improve Mood, Energy and Health

Morning Smoothie

I’ve always eaten healthy and still do. It’s how I grew up and just how my taste buds have formed. Therefore, I never really found a huge need to take many supplements. My puppy nanny used to make me this morning smoothie every day and when I got a cold the other week I started making it again and am astounded by the effects. I feel more like I have more energy / more vibrance, I recover quicker from surf / bumps and bruises and all around more balanced in my emotions and circadian rhythm. Below are the ingredients I use: - 1 coconut water (fresh) - you can also use plain water but I like the electrolytes

- 1 coconut meat (fresh) - why not use all of the coconut

- Spirulina (heaping scoop) - rich in calcium improving heart and nerve health

- Maca (spoonful) - supports mood and energy levels

- Ashwagandha (spoonful) - stabilizes cortisol and anxiety levels

- He Shou Wou (spoonful) - rich in iron promoting hair, skin and nails

- Frozen berries (handful) - for taste and antioxidants

- 1 Frozen banana - high in potassium, perfect for post workout recovery

- Cacao Nibs (spoonful) - Optional for taste and crunch

Let me know if you have a similar experience or would add / tweak anything!

Pura Vida!


Wild Luxury Experiences

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